The New Mexico Computing Applications Center (NMCAC) was approved by New Mexico’s Legislature in 2007 and began operations in 2008 as a resource for applications-driven high-speed computer problem solving. Working closely with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Labs and the State’s three research universities, the NMCAC is dedicated to serving the needs of the people of New Mexico as well as tackling some of the nation's most pressing problems like energy and the environment using high-speed computing.
The Center works with federal institutions, other states and private companies to run their own applications or develop new ones using its 172 teraflop SGi supercomputer named ‘Encanto’ which is based at Intel’s New Mexico headquarters in Rio Rancho just a few miles from Albuquerque.
The NMCAC is also committed to supporting the State’s education and health initiatives as well as economic development. The Center has plans to set up 44 remote ‘Gateways’ at state universities and community colleges. Each Gateway will be connected to Encanto and through Encanto to the rest of the world. Educators, health professionals and business people will be encouraged to use the Center to collaborate, cooperate and communicate to make New Mexico a healthier, stronger and more competitive state.
Unlike our competitors, NMCAC is not focused on ‘selling cycles.’ Our goal is to create mutually-beneficial relationships with companies and organizations by providing applications solutions using our institutions’ expertise. Though a non-profit organization, we are devoted to making your computing experience a profitable one. Contact us if you have a high-speed computing project that needs immediate attention or a suggestion for future collaboration.
Please email D'Nette Wood at: D'Nette_Wood@hpctools.com.